It’s an amazing feeling when you wake up in the morning and find out that one aspect of your life has found its culmination. Suddenly all the anxiety and madness is out and in settles a calm that you never thought would descend. But it does and you are all the happier for it. It cleans up the BEING space and you are once again free to BE what you want to. The greater joy comes when you see that even though you thought you will be affected to an extent… its not like that. You are all about the freedom and it’s all that counts.

For a few moments you try to decide if you want the memories to linger or fade away. You allow your mind to go thru most of them like someone reading brail. It brings up emotions that you lived for that bit and then they naturally die out. At one moment you are aware of your mind thinking of them and in the next few moments you catch it having wandered off. In that second you know that you just want to let them be the way they are. They are part of your existence and have a life of their own. They will come at will and go at will and yet… they promise never to intrude upon your space again.

You smile fondly at them. They were an experience that taught you what you needed to know… about yourself and others around you. They have helped you take one more “aware” step towards your center. Now you are that much closer to your being. You gulp it all down with a cup of Jasmine tea and are ready to start the day.

The Bliss of BEING is back…!

Much love and light
Blessed be ♥

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  1. Beautiful :) Absolutely loved it :) I honestly thought that all that you were writing was for me :) and that you put words into my feelings and experiences :)


  2. This is the state of mind i am in right now, its my being that i am living with, in sync with...and its bliss :)

    Love you sweets,
    Blessed be!
